Why Networking Skill is Important in Workplace and Everyday Life?


In social life what we call community power, In business, it is termed as networking. A workplace is a connecting point. If you are good as a human being and, expert in what you do, your network will grow fast and strong. Here, people from varied background & qualification come under one roof and, with the passage of time, they discover the gamut of differentiation & level of expertise. Each person is bestowed with unique capability.

So, the more you connect & mingle with another. It can be both professionally and socially, the more information is obtained about your unique quality & possibility. Networking doesn’t have any hard and fast rules, just be an expert in your job field and nurture your social qualities with good communication skill, you will end up having a powerful network. In today’s time, it bears severe importance. Let’s see how a good network helps you in your life;

skills comparisons

5 Benefits of Networking Skill You Didn’t Knew

1. Tackling Emergency

Networking is the ultimate help in the time of emergency. Emergencies can be varied with situation. Some examples where your networking power fits – sometimes there is a need for a host to perform in an official program, or sometimes a graphics design is needed within a very short time to complete a project. And at that time professional help is less likely to avail; only someone from the familiars can be the source to settle.

    2. Augmented Social Skill

    Ability of networking is actually the outcome of your social skill. When a person manages the network effectively, it means the interpersonal skill just gets augmented. This skill is the indicator of success because a sociable person is the likable person & comes to the mind of everyone in time of need.

    3. Increased Ability

    Having a group of a diversified pool of acquaintances increases the ability of any person. It boosts the confidence level & instills a feeling inside that “I can do it”. Maintaining liaisons with different people of different talent itself boosts your confidence & ability pretty high.

    4. Image Enhancement

    When an employee manages relationships, works for it gets benefited by it, helps by it; it just enhances the image of that networker. Sometimes it is seen that a sudden vacancy arises & there is no time for publishing it to media, at that time connecting with the contacts at hand might be a great help for you.

      5. Innovative Ideas

      Networking & managing other people successfully for a long time lead to new ideas that take advantage of the varied qualities of different people. A sharp mind that recognizes possibilities in people always tries to do something innovative & out of the box projects by applying the supplementary & complementary skills of people.

      Networking is something that has no shortcomings. In today’s world, varieties of skills are sought for & the persons, who can acquire those, will get benefited & stay updated. It is the power of networking that connects a person with opportunities.

      Author:  Abu Md. Abdullah 
      Assistant Professor 
      Faculty of Business Administration 
      Eastern University, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
      Email: abdullah@easternuni.edu.bd

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